Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A couple of Manitoba birding links

A few links about birds and birding in Manitoba for you!

Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative

Piping Plover Guardian Program

Nature Manitoba. Lots and lots of stuff! This is my favorite page - photos of the rare-for-Manitoba birds!

Nature Manitobas book store. I heartily recommend "Finding Birds in Southern Manitoba" and "Pelicans to Polar Bears", both of which I use constantly in trip planning. The big "Birds of Manitoba" is just as wonderful. Just very big. VERY much worth the bucks though!

Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas

Falcon Cam of the Peregrines nesting on the Radisson in Winnipeg. There are two tabs on the top - click on "Brandon Cam" to check out the birds nesting on the McKenzie seeds building in Brandon.

Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project. They tend to the falcon cams!

The Manitoba Birds list on yahoo. Mostly reports of sightings and also updates the provinces lists (Winter list, year list, etc).

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